Old Man Rant, Rave and Respects


The next  podcast is now available and is another two-parter. The first part is the rant and connects back to the last episode about Caitlyn Smith and also back to the original Old Man Rant and Rave episodes from earlier this year. In the end it’s about how artists are marketed and how fun may be coming back to pop radio. The catalyst to that may be Lizzo and see how she may be the next big thing in these 2 videos.

The second part travels back over 40 years in my life and how a song by the man who transformed my life, Elton John, connects to current events. And how that experience is transforming my life once again. This episode is extremely personal to me and mentions a lot of people who are important in my life. This episode explains the evolution of the Beyond Radio website and how gifts are all around us if we can see them.


This is a video that is explained in the episode.

Here is the companion Spotify playlist

By: Radio Tim 
Nov 2, 2019