Beyond Radio Charts Application
Importing New Chart Data
Importing new chart data will allow you to make updates to the charts for the selected frequency. The frequency is an important part of this feature as it determines what values will be used for the Last Chart values and the current chart values.
Import procedure
- Login to the Beyond radio Dashboard
- Click the menu item on the left “Beyond Radio Charts”
- Choose your import file
(Imports must have the chart codes set as the top most row with no empty rows before the chart data) - Set the Chart Update Date
- Set the timeframe for this update
- Click “save changes”
- Chart will upload and the application will count up as the records are imported
(this can take some time to process) - When complete, the application will show how many rows were imported and if any new columns were created for this import
- The page will refresh and you will have the records of all import dates and frequencies available to review
- At this point, the chart data is already updated with the newly imported chart data
*** If a chart type is set up for weekly, biweekly, or monthly updates, the data for this chart must be in the corresponding import. If it is not, the chart will be empty.
***All Chart Imports (regardless of frequency) should contain the weeks, points and charts columns in order to display the LC values and the included counts for the charts if these columns are omitted – the chart may display empty..
***It is imperative that the charts are formatted properly in order to maintain the data imported to the application. Chart import files must have the chart codes set as the top most row on the CSV file. There can be NO empty rows in the chart data before the artist and song rows.
Setting Chart Update Frequencies
Setting the chart frequencies in the Beyond Radio Charts plugin will allow the application to select the current and previous chart updates for the specific type of chart. These can be updated on the shortcodes at any time and will determine which import is to be displayed.
- Chart update frequencies are set up directly in the shortcode as the attribute: frequency
Using and creating the brc_chart shortcodes
- Frequency – The frequency that this chart is updated. Options include: weekly, biweeklys,biweeklyb,monthly
- Chartclass – this determines how the chart will be colored when rendered. Current choices include: red, darkred,blue,tan,orange,green
- Chartwidth – The width to display the chart options include: third,half,full
- Showchartdate – if set to 1, the dates for the chart will be displayed
- Showcharttitle – if set to 1, the title for the chart will be displayed
- Charttitle – The title to display on the chart if showcharttitle is set to 1
- Chartcode – the code for this chart’s data as found in the imported csv file the imported column should be formatted as chartcode+’current’
- Colkeys – the columns to include in the chart. These are displayed in the same order listed and should correspond to the colheaders
- Colheaders – The header to use for each column listed in the colkeys attribute. The count for each of these attributes must be the same
- Limit – the number of chart rows to display when the user is not subscribed.
- Subscribedlimit – the number of chart rows to display when the user IS subscribed
frequency=’weekly’ — Chart frequency – will determine which chart we are looking for the previous chart data
chartclass=’yellow’ — Chart color – will determine which what the chart color will be when displayed
chartwidth=’half’ – Chart Styling will format the chart width options: full,half,third
showchartdate=1 – turns the chart date display on and off
showcharttitle=1 – turns the chart title display on and off
charttitle=’Beyond Radio Top 250′ – Chart Title to display if showcharttitle is set to 1
chartcode=’br’ – chart code as defined in the beyond radio chart import
colkeys=’up,allrpts,allrchrts,lc,tc,artist,song,weeks,hp’ – Columns to include in this chart
colheaders='”+-“,Points,Charts,LC,TC,Artist,Song,Weeks,Peak’ – Headers to display for each column defined in the colkeys attribute
limit=10 – sets the limit of chart rows to display when the user is not subscribed or logged into the site
subscribedlimit=250 — sets the limit of chart rows to display when the user IS subscribed AND logged into the site
Colkeys in relation to imported data
chartcode = ‘br’ — This code controls the chart rankings and is directly related to this column found in the imported spreadsheet. To use this chart code, the import must contain a column with the chartcode+’current’ For the colkeys, this will represent the tc value as well as the lc value found in the previous chart for this frequency. This column should be set to brcurrent. (If the chartcode was brc, the column it is pulling data from will be brccurrent).
Reviewing the colkeys attribute below and the headers of the import that this data is expected to come from, the chart is looking for the data in column brcurrent. When we look at the headers from the import, this column does not exist. This is why the chart cannot display the chart data – there is none.
Looking at the headers that were imported, it looks like the current chart rank values are using a header of brcmonthlycurrent. I can correct this chart by updating the chart code to the one that was imported (brcmonthlycurrent). So by changing the chartcode to brcmonthly, the chart is now able to find the ranking values for the chart, since that column now exists. (this is the first time I have seen this chart code where the word monthly is included in the column header, it is likely that the previous import did not include this column. This will cause the previous chart values to be incorrect. So a better fix woudll be to update the import header to brcurrent instead of the newly introduced heading of brcmonthlycurrent ) It will be important to maintain cinsistency on the headings used for the chart codes. Ie: the brcurrent columns should always be headed with brcurrent for any past or future import.
guide | adds | artist | song | Weeks | HP | allcurrent | allrpts | allrchrts | up | brcmonthlycurrent |
chartcode = ‘br’
Real Use Example:
Brc chart shortcodes can be used anywhere that you have the ability to update content. This is primarily in the area of Pages and Posts. The shortcode is input just as any other text in the post or page content, but when rendered will display the chart defined by the attributes used, instead of the shortcode.
Trending Rock Page (text Tab)
Page Contents:
frequency=’weekly’ |
charttitle=’Beyond Radio Top 250′
Trending Rock Page (Visual Tab)
Page Contents:
Adding Posts to the front page:
Blog posts are added under the Posts Menu item from the dashboard. The top most post displayed on the front page will always be for the latest post (by publish date). Under the you Tube and Beyond Radio Tim feature, the remaining posts will display in chronological order.
Posts may contain any content including images, text, brc_chart shortcodes. Formatting is completed in the editor. To add media to a post inline, click the Add Media Button with your cursor positioned in the space that you want to display the image. This will allow you to choose an image form the media library, se the dimensions of the image, and drop it into the post.’
Once the content is ready to publish, click the Publish button on the right side fo the post editing screen. If the date of the post should be custom (not today’s date), click edit next to the Published on… and set the date to the date of your post.
Adding Contributors to the Contributor Listing Page
Contributors are managed under the Contributors Link in the dashboard left side menu. These will then be listed on the Contributors Page from the front page link under the Curator’s Chart
To Add a Contributor:
- Click Add New Contributor:
- Enter the contributor Playlist URL
- Select a Playlist Genre
- Set the playlist Ranking (order)
Adding Playlist Links to the Playlist Listing Page
Playlists are managed under the Playlist Links link in the dashboard left side menu. These will then be listed on the Playlist Page from the front page link Playlists Link in the header
To Add a Playlist:
- Click Add New Playlist:
- Enter the Playlist title
- Under the Custom Fields Editing area, select ‘listtype’
- Set the value to one of the following: youtube,spotify,indi
- Under Add New Custom Field, select URL
- Enter the url for the playlist
- Click Add Custom Field
- On the right side, click Set Featured Image
- Select an image to use for this playlist
- Click Publish
- This will place the new playlist on the playlist page under the category of youtube, spotify, or independent artists with the featured image and a link to the playlist.
Adding Curator Blurbs to the Curator Chart
Curator Blurbs are displayed above the curator chart on the front page. These are managed under the Curator Blurbs in the dashboard left side menu.
To Add a Curator Blurbs:
- Click Add New Curator Blurbs:
- Enter the title to use for this Curator Blurb (all are set to ‘My Top 100 of the week’ at this time)
- Under the Visual Tab, add content and formatting as you would like the blurb to display.
- If you want to add an image inline, click Add Media while your cursor is in the position where the image should be placed
- When complete, set the date of the Curator Blurb (likely to be the same date the curator chart was last updated)
- On the front page, the curator Blurb displayed will ALWAYS be the latest Curator Blurb Created. Past Curator Blurbs are archived and saved.
Setting the Image Cloud Widget for the header on individual Pages
The header contains an image cloud in the top right corner comprised of 5 images. One left side full height, two right-side top images and two right-side bottom images. Thes can be customized for each page.
To edit/add a Customized Image Cloud to a page:
- On the left menu > Hover on Appearance and click Widgets
- On the right side of the page, you will see a container labeled Header Widgets Area
- Open the container by clicking the arrow
- This will list all of the custom image clouds defined
- To add an image cloud to a page: Under available widgets click and drag the BRC-Header Image Cloud to the Header Widgets Area and drop it.
- Expand the options for this image cloud by clicking the arrow on the widget container
- Select the Page to use this image cloud for from the select box
- For each image, enter the url for the image to be used.
- (it is helpful to have your media page open in another window to get the urls for the images you would like to place in the image cloud)
- If you decide not to add the image cloud, you must delete the widget
- For each image, enter the url for the image to be used.
Beyond Radio Charts Theme Options
The website for beyondradiocharts is based on a customized theme created specifically for use with beyondradiocharts. You have the ability to edit parts of this theme to customize the look and feel of the site.
Customizing Site-wide theme options
- From the left menu click Appearance > Beyond Radio Theme Options
- Here you have many options to set.
- General Options
- Site profile image
- This image is used on the front page next to the Beyond Radio Tim Heading above the social links
- Static Front Page
- ** This should not be changed unless you wish to set a specific page as the front page of the site. (if this is updated, the current front page, charts, posts, and other content will not be available to view)
- Site profile image
- General Options
- Font for Front Page High level Font
- This font is used as for the text under the Beyond Radio Charts Header above the menu in the blue area
- Font for Front Page Low level Font
- This font is used as for the text headings for Charts on Chart Pages
- Font for Front Page Acentuated Font
- Currently not in use on site.
- Font for Front Page Body Font
- This font is used as for the text throughout the site in the body of content
- Page Settings Custom Styles
- This provides a space to add custom CSS code to control the appearance of site elements.
- This should not be changed.
- Page Settings – Custom Scripts
- This area is available to add specialized, custom functionality to the site via javascript.
- Header Options:
- Header Bottom Left Content
- Will set the text displayed under the header logo
- Header Logo Settings:
- You are able to change the site logo used in the header of the site.
- Menus
- Set Primary Menu
- Select the menu to use for the primary menu on the site.
- Set Menu Font
- This will define the font used for the menu items.
- Set Primary Menu
- Header Bottom Left Content
Customizing Per Page/Post Theme Options
On each Page, there is a section for the theme settings that apply to that particular page. This section is located below the page or post content.
- Background Image:
- This will allow you to set a custom background image to be used for this page in particular.