Immerse yourself in an amazing amount of music from the year. I create new genre playlists every 2 months. The most current are updated weekly and the BR250 playlist is updated once or twice a month and includes all the songs that have made the BR250 in 2020. Countups are the opposite of countdowns, they start with #1 and go from there. I love them for instant gratification.


Current Countups

September’s Rock Top 75

September’s AC Top 75

My Current Personal Chart

My Personal Chart Oct. 7, 2000

November Trending 100


November/December 2020 Picks

October/November 2020 Picks

September/October 2020 Picks

August/September 2020 Picks

July/August 2020 Picks


June/July 2020 Picks

May/June 2020 Picks

April/May 2020 Picks

March/April 2020 Picks

February/March 2020 Picks

January/February 2020 Picks

December 2019/January 2020 Picks

Older Countups